January 7

Introducing Monogram’s Maternity Concierge Services

Life Management

As a rule, our society doesn’t offer enough support, or enough understanding, to parents-to-be. Could a maternity concierge service be part of the solution for overscheduled, overwhelmed new moms and dads?

We think so.

Mothers-to-be and new mothers in America are under extreme stress and suffering from information overload. When you’re a parent-to-be, you have to schedule doctor’s appointments, get the nursery set up, go to baby showers, shop for clothing, find the right car seat, the right stroller, the right diapers. You have to make all of the right decisions and none of the wrong ones. Will you breastfeed exclusively or rely on formula? Will one or both of you stay home for a while with the new baby? What is your birth plan? Are you sure? If you’re like many moms-to-be, you’re expected to make all of these decisions while you’re still working, feeling more exhausted than you ever have in your life, and dealing with the dreaded pregnancy brain.

After the baby is born, when the only thing you want to do is spend quality time with your new little one, you’re expected to get back to work quickly. You’re also expected to keep running your home, arrange visits with family and friends, and balance the needs of any other children in the home while running on little time and less sleep.

It’s really no wonder that most couples consider bringing a new baby into the home to be more stressful than buying a new home, changing jobs, or even going through a divorce.

Don’t Go It Alone: How a Maternity Concierge Can Help

Recently, Fifth/Third Bank became one of the first employers to to offer comprehensive maternity concierge services at the corporate level—citing the high turnover rate for women once they have children and recognizing an organization-wide need to invest in more support for new parents.

We love the way they’re thinking. Even if maternity concierge services aren’t an option through your employer, Monogram’s Maternity Package is a convenient, affordable way to give yourself the gift of more time, and more support, during this important phase of your life.

With the Monogram Maternity Concierge Package you can:

  • Spend more quality bonding time with your new baby.
  • Have the security of a trusted partner you can call for help whenever you need it—anytime you feel overwhelmed.
  • Feel confident that you’ve made the right choices for yourself, your new baby, and the rest of your family.
  • Be a better parent to your other children and a better spouse.
  • Take better care of your health and general wellbeing.
  • Take care of your home and your family without wearing yourself out, damaging your health, or losing time and focus at work.
  • Feel more in control throughout the entire experience, from the first months of pregnancy through your newborn’s first months of life.

Imagine avoiding information overload altogether and, instead, being presented with only the best options for new baby gear. Imagine having all of your doctor’s appointments on a calendar, having your prescriptions picked up, and your house baby-proofed. Imagine being able to focus on home while you’re at home and being able to focus on work while you’re at work. Imagine being able to spend quality time with your newborn, and your spouse, without worrying about what’s for dinner or how you’re going to entertain your mother-in-law when she comes to see you and the new baby.

In other words, imagine feeling peaceful and rested instead of stressed and overwhelmed. Imagine giving yourself the time and space to actually enjoy your bundle of joy. Think it sounds too good to be true?

We don’t.

Contact Monogram Concierge today to find out more about our Maternity Concierge Services and other value-added services we provide to current and potential clients.

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