August 11

Concierge Checklist: How to Best Use Your Personal Concierge

Life Management

Many of our clients ask us how or when they should use their personal concierge. The short answer is—the sky’s the limit. If that sounds like a bold statement and hard to get your head around, we understand! Most of our clients break through to that next level relationship with their concierge only after working with one for a few weeks, or after their complimentary two-week introductory trial. As your concierge learns your needs and begins to see opportunities to help relieve burdens and make life easier, the services provided become even more valuable. A true concierge service provides more than a discrete task manager or errand runner (though that is part of it!). The best concierges can handle those functions, but along the way proactively think and dream about how they can create beautiful outcomes and make life more rewarding for their clients.

Make the Most of Your Concierge Services

The best use of a personal concierge is not only to manage everything that’s on your plate right now, but also to help you take a step back, to look at your life more objectively, and to identify and deal with the nagging details that haven’t even made it onto your plate yet, eliminating potential sources of stress before they become a burden. In other words, a personal concierge should be your ticket to a life well-lived.

For some ideas, take a look at this short Concierge Checklist we hand to our first-time clients to help them get started making the most of their service:

Home Services

Our homes are often one of our biggest investments. As people become busier and more successful, they find it increasingly difficult to manage and maintain their homes. A concierge can help.

  • Yearly Maintenance. Create a proactive maintenance schedule for all major systems and schedule service appointments (HVAC, Plumbing, Electric, Fireplace, Crawl Space, etc.)
  • Repairs. Create a ‘Punch List’ of minor repairs and serve as the liaison with contractors (Chipped Paint, Leaky Faucets, Busted Screens, etc.)
  • House Cleaning. Arrange for deep cleanings twice a year, spring and fall. Serve as the liaison between you and your cleaning company, make sure invoices are paid and work is completed correctly.
  • Lawn Services. Serve as liaison with lawn maintenance providers, oversee weekly and monthly work, help create a planting and maintenance schedule.
  • Major Purchases & Renovations. Research the best products and help with decisions about major purchases, such as new appliances, sound systems, computer upgrades, TV upgrades, security systems, etc. Research the best services, request quotes, and act as liaison for larger renovations, including kitchen re-do’s, additions, pools and patios, etc.
  • Housesitting. Care for your home and your pets while you are away. Make sure that scheduled maintenance continues and that your home is secure so that you can fully enjoy your vacation.

Auto Services

Automobiles need scheduled maintenance in order to be safe and reliable, but regular auto care is one of the things we put off when life gets hectic. When was the last time you had your tires rotated and balanced? A concierge could answer that question for you. Oh, and did we mention standing in line at the DMV?  

  • Regular Maintenance. Create a reasonable maintenance schedule that includes oil and filter changes, tire rotation, balancing, realignment, fluid checks, etc. Take the car in for scheduled maintenance. Arrange for other transportation while the car is in the shop.
  • Regular Cleaning. Take your cars for weekly or bi-weekly washes. Schedule regular detailing.
  • Taxes & DMV Appointments. Pay property taxes for your cars. Register vehicles, get new tags, re-title vehicles—any DMV appointment that doesn’t require your presence.  

Personal Services

While people tend to have difficulty letting go of personal responsibilities, it’s scientifically proven that handing off tasks and buying yourself free time makes you happier. Here are some ways a concierge can help you give over to affordable luxury and lighten your day-to-day.

  • Meals. Create a meal plan based on your family’s dietary needs and preferences. Go grocery shopping. Make sure that dinner is ready and on the table so you and your family can enjoy mealtime together.
  • Personal Appointments. Schedule appointments for personal services and pampering, including hair appointments, spa appointments, and massages as well as doctor and dentist appointments.
  • School Stuff. Drive your car or arrange a transportation service to take kids to school or daycare, do pick-ups (wait in car line!), pack healthy lunches. Stay on top of school calendar and functions, fill out paperwork.
  • Pet Care. Help care for pets while your family is at work or school. Walk dogs, schedule weekly Doggie Daycare visits, manage veterinary appointments, etc.
  • Errands. Anything from dropping off dry cleaning or picking up dinner to running to the bank or post office. If you don’t have to be present to accomplish the errand, why should you be?
  • Vacations. Help plan and schedule family vacations. Arrange for travel and accommodations, get tickets, set up restaurant reservations. Shop for needed travel gear (sunscreen, towels, bug spray, etc.) and create a packing checklist.

Social Services

Wouldn’t you like to do more with your friends and family without the stress—go out more, have people in your home more often? Feel like you have time to truly connect with the people you love rather than overseeing the logistics? With a personal concierge, you can.

  • Social Calendar. Manage the social calendar for you and your family. Respond to RSVP requests and make sure there are no potential scheduling conflicts.
  • Host & Hostess Relationships. Purchase host and hostess gifts. Send thank-you notes. Follow up with host family about any details, such as dietary needs or special accommodations.
  • Dinner Parties. Schedule and arrange for social events hosted by your family. Arrange catering and bartending services. Send invitations.  Greet and welcome guests as they arrive.
  • Going Out. Set-up reservations at your favorite restaurants, cancel reservations, drive your car or arrange a transportation service to take your party to and from the restaurant.
  • Event Planning. Plan and manage big, once-in-a-lifetime events: Weddings, Silver and Golden Anniversaries, Milestone Birthdays.

Financial Services

Truly staying on top of our finances is easier said than done. It’s not only about paying bills on time; it’s about making sure that you are getting the best deals and taking advantage of the best opportunities. While we are not financial advisors, a concierge can be invaluable to your financial life.

  • Taxes. Gather all tax documents and receipts and deliver to your accountant, make copies, act as the liaison with your accountant.
  • Credit Cards. Manage credit card payments and offers. Make sure you are using the card with the best current offer on airline miles, cash back, etc.
  • Budgeting. Think through your weekly and monthly budgets with you, making sure that your budget is realistic given your personal, social, and family calendars and helping you maximize your resources.  

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