November 26

Ladies…Ditch the Guilt!

Life Management

Three reasons you should never feel guilty about outsourcing your chores and errands. 

You’re expected to be so much: successful professional, engaged parent, loving partner, active volunteer, attentive daughter.  Of course, you also want to be fit, fashionable and the domestic diva of the year.  Blocking your path to success is a mountain of after-dinner dishes to be done, laundry to be cycled, and errands to be run.  These modern expectations for women can be overwhelming and unrealistic without help on the domestic front. We tend to wish our “to-dos” would go away yet feel guilty about asking for help.

Think of it this way, by investing in domestic help for all your “to-dos”, you have more time to do what only you can do – and do it with more sanity.   Let’s focus on three of the most important areas of your life that need more of your time: your kids, your love life, and your personal health.  Ladies – ditch the guilt about outsourcing your chores and errands – the people in your life need you! You need you!

Your Kids

In case you haven’t already noticed, kids grow fast! According to a recent New York Post article, the typical parent spends just 37 minutes a day with each school-age child. It takes longer than that to run just one load of laundry (to say nothing of drying it, folding it, and putting it away). Hire a concierge to tackle your laundry and your other routine household chores and errands. Instead, use those precious minutes to spend extra quality time with your kids; they won’t be kids for long. Ditch the laundry (and the guilt!), hire a concierge and go play with your kids.

Your Love Life

We hear from busy moms (and dads too!) all the time that they never get a real “date night” with their partner. We know why! That same New York Post article suggests that the majority (54%) of parents get, on average, just one date night a month and 65% of them say that that “date” often includes running errands or getting domestic chores done. Are you kidding?! Get a grip on what’s really important in your life. Ditch those errands (easily done by your concierge) and enjoy a romantic movie with your partner. Have your personal concierge manage your weekly chores too! Your honey really doesn’t need (or appreciate) having a “to-do” list to manage every weekend. Get rid of the guilt about outsourcing your chores and errands. Create a “to-do” list for your concierge instead.

Your Health

The statistics are against you – especially if you live in the Southeast! According to a recent article in Time Magazine, only 23% (less than one in four) persons in the United States (and even less if you live in the Southeast) get even the minimum suggested amount of exercise every week – about 22 minutes/day. Are we just lazy? No, we’re busy – very busy! – with household chores and errands. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that men spend nearly 90 minutes of their “free” time each day taking care of domestic chores like food prep & cleanup, laundry, general household cleaning, household management and other domestic chores (and women nearly twice that much – every day!). Wow!

All of us know that exercise is a known reducer of chronic disease and a pivotal marker in physical, mental, and cognitive health. You’re a better parent, a better partner, and a better person when you feel good and exercise is key to feeling your best. Just do it! Hire a personal concierge and let them handle the repetitive, mundane chores and errands that eat up your free time and get thee to a gym! Whatever you do, don’t spend your precious lifetime getting in just one more Costco run or a final load of laundry. That’s something to feel guilty about.

We are here for you!

You’re a great mom, doing your best to run a household, be a good partner, raise happy and successful kids, grow your career, stay healthy, be politically active, take time for your spirituality, support charitable endeavors that you believe in, and be a good neighbor to the frail senior who lives next door. You are, in fact, a superwoman! Even superheroes have sidekicks, though, and that’s what we’re here for – to support your success! What can we do to help you free up time to do what only you can do? Don’t bother with the mundane errands and chores of daily life, we can do those. You stay focused on being super!

Call us today for a complimentary lifestyle management consultation.

(864) 283-6770 or contact us via email

We are here for you!

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